
  • Small Groups

    Small groups offer a unique space where individuals can forge deep connections, truly get to know one another and provide mutual care and support. Within these intimate settings, people can openly share experiences, challenge each other's perspectives, and offer encouragement, all while sharing moments of joy and sorrow. This close-knit environment fosters personal growth and community. If you’re looking to enhance your sense of belonging and personal development, seek out an existing small group or consider starting one of your own.


  • Ways to Serve

    Use your unique gifts and talents to make a meaningful impact with CTK. There are numerous service areas where your skills and enthusiasm can make a difference, whether it's through volunteering, supporting community initiatives, or contributing to special projects. Your involvement is crucial in helping us achieve our mission and serve others effectively. To find out more about the various opportunities and discover where you can contribute, please use this link to let us know which area interests you. Your participation not only enriches the community but also allows you to grow and connect with others. Get involved today and be a part of something impactful!

  • Missions

    Christ the King is dedicated to supporting a wide range of missions both within our local community and beyond. Our efforts span various initiatives aimed at making a positive impact and fostering meaningful connections. If you're interested in learning more about our missions or discovering how you can get involved, please follow the link to our missions page. Join us in making a difference and being a part of our mission-driven community.