Above & Beyond  “Better Together”

Above and Beyond is such an exciting time in our Church calendar year! It is time we set aside to go deeper in our faith to grow wider in our reach for Christ! Please mark your calendars to attend each of the five weekends starting Saturday, August 17 through Sunday, September 15. I ask you to join me for two daily devotionals which can be found in the Bible app. If you haven’t already, download the app and set up your account. 

The first is a 24-day devotional called Better Together by  Rick Warren.


The second is a 7-day devotional called Dangerous Prayers by Craig Groeschel.


As you read through these devotionals, please take these four weeks to pray and fast with me! We are asking God to help mature us spiritually so we can best represent Him in our community and beyond!

I also ask that you strive to grow in these five vital disciplines:

Connect Intentionally, Pray Earnestly, Show Up Faithfully, Serve Selflessly, and Give Generously!

We will cover one discipline in each weekend’s teaching.

Next, I sincerely hope you will commit to meeting once a week in a new small group to further discuss how to apply the teaching. I am praying for at least 5 to 10 new groups who will connect intentionally from Aug. 17 to Sept. 15. I pray we will have 100% participation and that each new group will find one special ministry opportunity to serve in together during the four weeks.

Finally, at the conclusion of Above & Beyond, we will celebrate our 14th Birthday, on Sunday, Sept. 15 on our property right after the 9 AM service. We will enjoy brunch, great music, and a sweet time of fellowship together until around 11:30 AM! On this final day, we ask you to give a special offering towards our $60,000 goal of outfitting our new church home with audio-visual equipment and technology to serve our CTK family & community. We also ask that you pray and consider increasing your regular giving by 1 to 3% to finance our mission to reach people with the life-changing message of Jesus!

I am so excited to experience a new season of spiritual growth with you! Thanks for being such an important part of our lively and loving Christ the King family! We are better together! So together, let’s go Above & Beyond!

I love you, 

Pastor Scott

Click here to download a printable CTK Above & Beyond Commitment Card

Click here to use an online version of the CTK CTK Above & Beyond Commitment Card